Second day of school went much better than the first. *sigh of relief*
Bought the kids new outfits (again!) and new backpacks. Played up school all weekend. Practised carrying a tray of food and opening drinks. Talked Bud into taking the kids to daycare and letting them ride the van to school with the rest of the kids they know. Worked like a charm!! The van driver said they went right in with the other kids with no problem. One of the older kids promised to make sure they got to the cafeteria for breakfast. I'm so relieved.
We just won't talk about the note that the teacher sent home with Savannah, on the second day of school no less. A trouble maker already! It looks to be an exciting school year!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
First Day of School
First day of school was a very tramatic day for me and the kids.
As you can see, Savannah was not interested in going to big school.
Leaving them was a really hard thing to do. We walked them into the cafeteria and through the breakfast line. And led them to a table to sit and eat. It was hard for these little guys to carry their tray and not drop their drink or milk. Alex wouldn't eat anything and Savannah ate just one bite of cereal and one bite of toast. Alex was ready to go to his class so he ran off and left sis alone at the table. I think he was just too nervous to eat. Bud walked Alex to his class and I walked Savannah to her class to show them how to get there through the long halls. Once we got to the Pre-K and Kindergarten wing, She knew which class was hers and went right to it, but wouldn't go in unless I was with her.
Bud said Alex did good until he started to leave and then Alex just started crying for his daddy to stay with him. Savannah did the same thing with me. She wanted to sit down and read one of the books on the table, but just wouldn't let go of my hand and at one time was holding on to my leg. I was able to leave once the teacher was holding her, but as I was waiting out in the hall for Bud, trying not to cry, Savannah came flying out of her room and down the hall to me. I had to take her back into the room and do it all over again.
You could tell who were all the Pre-K mothers. We were the parents crying or in my case, trying not to cry all the way back to our cars. Staff would see us and say "Ahh. You have a kid in pre-k?"
I was worthless all day long. And very glad when it was time to pick them up. As you can imagine, we went early. Got the last parking spot in the parking lot. It was good to see the little munchkins.
I was able to talk to Savannah's teacher. She said Savannah did very well once she settled down. Except at lunch when someone yelled at her for sitting at the wrong table. The head start lady held her until the teacher could. The teacher just had to hold her for a little while and then she was better. My heart just hurts. Who yells at a little pre-k kid on the first day of school for sitting at the wrong table? They're just babies. They don't know!
Bud found out that Alex did very well his first day. He was happy to see us though! He has told me since then that he wants to be Sissy's class because he doesn't like his. I hope it all changes and things settle down. I can't stand to think of my babies scared, unhapy and amoung strangers.
The handbook tells us we can only walk them in the first two days of school. Bud thinks they will be fine, but I think they need to eat breakfast at home. At least until they get used to the school and then they can do breakfast at the school. It's such a big scary place for such little ones!
As you can see, Savannah was not interested in going to big school.
And Alex wants to go, he's just not sure of everything.
Here is the best smile I could get from them:
Leaving them was a really hard thing to do. We walked them into the cafeteria and through the breakfast line. And led them to a table to sit and eat. It was hard for these little guys to carry their tray and not drop their drink or milk. Alex wouldn't eat anything and Savannah ate just one bite of cereal and one bite of toast. Alex was ready to go to his class so he ran off and left sis alone at the table. I think he was just too nervous to eat. Bud walked Alex to his class and I walked Savannah to her class to show them how to get there through the long halls. Once we got to the Pre-K and Kindergarten wing, She knew which class was hers and went right to it, but wouldn't go in unless I was with her.
Bud said Alex did good until he started to leave and then Alex just started crying for his daddy to stay with him. Savannah did the same thing with me. She wanted to sit down and read one of the books on the table, but just wouldn't let go of my hand and at one time was holding on to my leg. I was able to leave once the teacher was holding her, but as I was waiting out in the hall for Bud, trying not to cry, Savannah came flying out of her room and down the hall to me. I had to take her back into the room and do it all over again.
You could tell who were all the Pre-K mothers. We were the parents crying or in my case, trying not to cry all the way back to our cars. Staff would see us and say "Ahh. You have a kid in pre-k?"
I was worthless all day long. And very glad when it was time to pick them up. As you can imagine, we went early. Got the last parking spot in the parking lot. It was good to see the little munchkins.
I was able to talk to Savannah's teacher. She said Savannah did very well once she settled down. Except at lunch when someone yelled at her for sitting at the wrong table. The head start lady held her until the teacher could. The teacher just had to hold her for a little while and then she was better. My heart just hurts. Who yells at a little pre-k kid on the first day of school for sitting at the wrong table? They're just babies. They don't know!
Bud found out that Alex did very well his first day. He was happy to see us though! He has told me since then that he wants to be Sissy's class because he doesn't like his. I hope it all changes and things settle down. I can't stand to think of my babies scared, unhapy and amoung strangers.
The handbook tells us we can only walk them in the first two days of school. Bud thinks they will be fine, but I think they need to eat breakfast at home. At least until they get used to the school and then they can do breakfast at the school. It's such a big scary place for such little ones!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Today I had a real blast from the past. My sister and I were at the park with the kids. It was a very hot day. Not as fire hot, can’t breath when you walk out side as it has been, but still hot. Sitting in the shade with a little breeze wasn’t so bad, but the kids were getting thirsty.
My sister suggested snow cones. “Makayla loves snow cones.”
“My kids have never had a snow cone.” Sad but true. They’ve had slushes from Sonic, but no snow cones.
My sister was shocked. “Well it’s about time they do.”
The kids want to ride with Makayla and Aunt Kathy. Fine by me. I like a quite ride with my husband. We take off for The Hut.
I order a medium White Coconut snow cone. It’s been years since I’ve had a snow cone and even longer since I’ve had a white coconut one. When Makayla brings it to me, it looks like a harmless cup of fine ice shavings melting down into clear water. However, when I scoop up that first bite and put it into my mouth, I feel a strong physical jolt and there is a bright flash of light as I’m instantly transported back in time to when I was a young kid working at the snow cone stand.
I remember it all. How to make the syrup (I won’t tell you that they put a 5lb bag of sugar in every gallon of flavoring.), how to run the ice shaving machine (when you do it, make sure the blades have stopped turning BEFORE you try to remove the remnants of the block of ice), and how to get the nice rounded top to the snow cone. I remember it all. WOW. I even have the urge to read a Nancy Drew book, or go roller skating or call my friend Linda. It’s amazing what the power of one little scoop of white coconut snow cone can do. Don’t tell me time travel is not possible. I’ve done it. And it was a blast!
What’s your blast from the past?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The Sad Facts
Well, this is just sad. It's been so long since I logged in that I forgot my password. Had to have it reset. I told you before, I'm a totaly random blogger. And that's the truth. Never know when or what I'll blog...
Hope your day is peachy
Hope your day is peachy
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Game Time Inflatables = Fun Times for the Kids!
I just purchased Six Open-Play passes for Game Time Inflatables in Moore for 50% off from Groupon!
Check it out! Groupon
I know the kids are going to love this and we have until October 20 to use them! I'll post pics after we go!
Check it out! Groupon
I know the kids are going to love this and we have until October 20 to use them! I'll post pics after we go!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Did I tell you we went camping in the yard this past summer? It was late summer, almost fall. Bud pitched the tent in the front yard. What a lot of work for one night!
I enjoyed the fact that I didn't have to worry about trying to find a bathroom. I knew exactly where it was. I had my own personal key and everything!
The tent we have is pretty big. The whole roof of the tent is just screen. You can lay there and look at the stars at night. If you can see them through the trees!
The kids love camping.
I enjoyed the fact that I didn't have to worry about trying to find a bathroom. I knew exactly where it was. I had my own personal key and everything!
The tent we have is pretty big. The whole roof of the tent is just screen. You can lay there and look at the stars at night. If you can see them through the trees!
There is a tarp that goes over the top to keep out rain, but if there is no chance of rain, we leave it off. More air circulation. And believe me, we need air circulation. We even brought out a fan and a lamp. The camp site had free electric hook up :). As a side note: look out for the electric cord when you're making a dash for the restroom!
The kids and Bud seem to sleep fine.
But I just laid there looking up at the swaying trees.
Wondering if they were going to crash down on us while we were sleeping.
Thankfully they didn't. Or this post would be about THAT!
Until next time...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Updated Look
I finally took the time to update the header from the winter picture to a spring picture. I loved the winter picture, but it's time to change seasons.
My sister came up with the old one for me. You will see it again come winter.
And here is the new spring header. I also changed the blogs color scheme for a fresh new look.
I still have a lot to learn about graphic design, that's for sure. I made this header in Snagit since I use that program often for making tutorials and operating procedures. I'm hoping Kathy will make me a new spring header, or maybe even a new summer header. I better start going through my pictures to see if I can find a good summer picture of our woods.
Until later.....
Monday, April 11, 2011
Told Ya.
Told ya I'd be back soon. Here I am. Typing as quietly as I can. The kids are asleep. shhhhhh Don't want to poke the bears!
For my birthday this year (Yes, Happy Birthday to me!), we wend to the medieval fair. It was great fun! Took the kids for a ride on a BIG war horse (which we will NOT post pictures of!). It was a very windy day. And I do mean very. Near extreme. I would not have wanted to be those mermaids on top of one of the booths holding on for dear life! And since we have not had rain here in Oklahoma for like 4 months, it was very dusty! At the end of our time at the fair, I felt like I had been sandblasted. But it was still fun.
In addition to the war horses, we saw ponies, camels, elephants, hawks, owls and a host of very interestingly dressed and/or acting people.
The kids (and Dad) went through a pirate ship. The shot of the cannons and almost got put into the brig, which they wanted to do until they found out that the brig is the same has time out. It's where you go when you've been bad. Then they didn't want to go near it!
For my birthday this year (Yes, Happy Birthday to me!), we wend to the medieval fair. It was great fun! Took the kids for a ride on a BIG war horse (which we will NOT post pictures of!). It was a very windy day. And I do mean very. Near extreme. I would not have wanted to be those mermaids on top of one of the booths holding on for dear life! And since we have not had rain here in Oklahoma for like 4 months, it was very dusty! At the end of our time at the fair, I felt like I had been sandblasted. But it was still fun.
In addition to the war horses, we saw ponies, camels, elephants, hawks, owls and a host of very interestingly dressed and/or acting people.
The kids (and Dad) went through a pirate ship. The shot of the cannons and almost got put into the brig, which they wanted to do until they found out that the brig is the same has time out. It's where you go when you've been bad. Then they didn't want to go near it!
Here's the ship
Ahoy matey!
Shooting the cannons:
Arrgh! Just escaped being put into the brig (time out)!
Here's my pirate!
Now, he's got the right hat!
Somehow, we didn't get a picture of Princess Savannah at the fair, but here she is now!
We plan to do it again next year! Want to join us? This is the link to their website: Medieval Fair
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Random Blogger
Ok. I admit it. I'm a random blogger. It's been awhile since I blogged. I get too busy and just don't take the time to write a few words. Even now, I'm thinking about the laundry that needs to be washed, dryed, hung up and folded. Maybe that's why I'm blogging. I just don't like to do laundry. Don't get me wrong, I love having all the laundry done and folded and hung up and put away. I seem to remember that it is a great feeling to have it all done! I just don't like to be the one that has to do it!
It's the same with the kitchen. Love to cook. Hate to clean. You get the drill.
Of course, since we got Netflix, my time just doesn't seem to be as productive. Hmmmm. Can't imagine what would be the cause of that!
Ta ta for now. I'll type to you later. No. Really. I'll be back again soon this time. I promise.
It's the same with the kitchen. Love to cook. Hate to clean. You get the drill.
Of course, since we got Netflix, my time just doesn't seem to be as productive. Hmmmm. Can't imagine what would be the cause of that!
Ta ta for now. I'll type to you later. No. Really. I'll be back again soon this time. I promise.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Play in the Snow
So yesterday we got all bundled up to go play in the snow.
This is three pairs of pants, three shirts, 1 jacket, 1 coat, 1 vest, 1 pair of rubber boots EACH.
Alex is wearing two pairs of mittens since he can"t get his warm ones on. Savannah doesn't have hers on yet in the picture, but she will!
The first thing Alex does is to hike off into the yard.
Savannah stayed pretty close to Mom.
They are off to try and make snow angels.
It didn't work out too well, but they had fun!
Mom went to get firewood or there would be more pictures. I'm glad Bud usually gets the firewood! It's very, very cold out there!
Today, I think we will stay inside. Unless I have to throw them out of the house for fighting.....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
First Day of New Diet
So today is the first day of doing the South Beach Diet
. I'm doing good so far. I am so not hungry, which is a first for me. Had breakfast egg scramble with onions, garlic, tomatoes and cheese, turkey bacon and tomato juice. For snack, had some string cheese, a few almonds and some more tomato juice. Now I'm making Chock-Full-of-Veggies Chili from the South Beach Diet Supercharged
book. Good thing I like veggies. Looks good to me. What do you think?
Just to give you warning, I will not be posted this much detail every day. It's just because we are snowed in.
Stay warm and safe.
Ingredients for chili:
Vegetables (except for tomatoes) cooking.
Everything simmering. Smells very yummy!
Finished product served with a salad and yummy homemade Dijon lemon garlic dressing.
The kids were not at all interested in this, but that at least gives me more to freeze and fewer meals to make later!
Just to give you warning, I will not be posted this much detail every day. It's just because we are snowed in.
Even the carport did not protect the cars from getting covered in snow.
I think I'm staying in side, cuz Baby, it's cold outside.
Stay warm and safe.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Egg and Olive Sandwiches Recipe
6 Boiled eggs, minced
1 tsp. Salt (Placed in boiling water, eggs will be easier to peel)
1-4oz. Can of chopped black olives
3-4 T. Miracle whip
Dash Salt to taste
Cover eggs with water and add 1 teaspoon of salt to boil. After eggs reach the boiling point, boil eggs covered for 5 minutes. Drain immediately and run cold water over eggs until comfortable to handle to peel. Approximately 2 minutes. After peeling, mince eggs and place in a bowl. Add olives and miracle whip and salt. Stir well. May be served as regular sandwiches or cut crust off of bread, then cut sandwiches in fours to make finger sandwiches. Serve as an appetizer.
Grandma Eleanor Lowe
This recipe is a favorite of Chuck and Susie’s
Note: This one is for you Susie! We just talked about these not too long ago.
Mom had these listed as Appetizers, but I've added it to sandwiches as well.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I Just Love Netflix
I love watching movies. I hate paying big bucks to watch them. Going to the movies can be fun, but I'd rather just stay at home in my jammies. That's just one reason I love Netflix. It's the best money we spend every month. We actually save money. We cut our cable back to just the basics. The kids watch Netflix through our Wii. Bud and I watch on our computers too. Of course, I have to warn you. It's addictive. I've watched a number of TV series. It's great to watch the episodes one right after the other. I can watch on my laptop after the kids go to bed. In fact, I better get them fed so they can get ready for bed. I feel like watching a good mystery....
Prosage Rolls Recipe
Refrigerator Rolls Recipe
(Yields 24 rolls)
2 T. Dry yeast - (scant tablespoon)
1 cup Cool water
½ cup Sugar
3/4 c. Shortening
1 cup Scalded milk
2 Eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup Whole wheat flour
4 cups White flour, may need more
3 tsp. Salt
Mexican Seven Layer Dip Recipe
Layer 1
1-can 10 ½ oz - Refried beans of choice
Spread in bottom of 9X13 glass dish
Layer 2
3 med. Ripe avocados, peeled and mashed
2 T. Lemon or lime juice
1/4 tsp.Cayenne pepper
½ tsp. Salt
Garlic powder to taste
Combine and spread over beans
Layer 3
1 cup (8oz.) Sour cream
1 pkg. Taco seasoning mix
½ cup Miracle Whip
Mix together and spread over avocado mix.
Layer 4
1 cup Green onions, chopped
Sprinkle over sour cream mixture.
Layer 5
3 med.Tomatoes, chopped (2 cups)
Sprinkle over green onions
Layer 6
1 can Ripe olives, sliced or chopped
Sprinkle over tomatoes
Layer 7
8 oz. Cheddar cheese, shredded
Sprinkle over top
Charlotte's Cabbage Slaw Recipe
Cabbage Mixture:
1-2 pkg. of prepared slaw plus ½ to 1 chopped green pepper and thin sliced green onions. Chop or thin slice pepper and onion as desired.
Add to prepared slaw-
1 cup Olive oil
2/3 cup Sugar
½ cup Rice wine vinegar
1-2pkg. Seasoning mix from Raman Noodles
Mix well.
2pgs. Raman noodles (crushed)
3/4 c. Almonds, sliced
½ cup Sesame seeds
Brown in small amount of oil. This could be browned under the broiler. Browns very quickly!
Combine three mixtures just before serving.
Charlotte McKey
Note: I've made this changing the Cabbage mixture to 1 bag of prepared cabbage slaw and 1 bag of prepared broccoli slaw. I've also added some chopped pecans in with the sliced almonds. Very good...
South Beach Diet Supercharged
I recently made a visit to my new cardiologist. I just love him! He's helped me way more than my old cardiologist ever did. I'm feeling better and stronger every day. Among his advice for me was to get the book South Beach Diet
and read it. This is the diet he says comes the closest to the lifestyle he recommends living. So I took the plunge and downloaded the book South Beach Diet Supercharged
to iBooks on my iPhone. This is perfect timing for me since we are starting our Pound for Pound Challenge at work on Tuesday, February 1. I'll post more about the Pound for Pound Challenge later.
So Tuesday is the day. I've decided to take the first step towards making permanent and lasting lifestyle changes. I'm excited about this. I'm ready for a healthier life. One in which I can keep up with the kids! I've been cleaning out the cabinets of foods that will tempt me back into the old way of life. I've made a grocery list and Bud's gone to the store for me (he's so good about that! I'm a lucky woman!) I'm ready for Tuesday.
I'll be blogging my progress. In addition to continuing to post recipes from Mom's cook book, Cooking with Mom, I'll be posting recipes that are for the South Beach Diet
. If you're living the South Beach way, share your recipes too. I'm sure I'll be on the hunt for more as time goes on. I want to get the South Beach Diet Super Quick Cookbook
and the South Beach Diet Quick and Easy Cookbook
, but that we have to wait for now. My birthday is coming up, maybe I'll get it then!

So Tuesday is the day. I've decided to take the first step towards making permanent and lasting lifestyle changes. I'm excited about this. I'm ready for a healthier life. One in which I can keep up with the kids! I've been cleaning out the cabinets of foods that will tempt me back into the old way of life. I've made a grocery list and Bud's gone to the store for me (he's so good about that! I'm a lucky woman!) I'm ready for Tuesday.
I'll be blogging my progress. In addition to continuing to post recipes from Mom's cook book, Cooking with Mom, I'll be posting recipes that are for the South Beach Diet
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