
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Time Moves on Swift Little Feet

So it's been awhile.  How have you been?  Things have been caotic in the Ward household.  If you have kids, you know what I mean. 

My last post was day two of school.  (Don't forget, I told you I was a totally random blogger!)  Now school will be over before the end of this month!  A lot has happened between now and then.  I don't have time to type it all up and you don't have time to read it all.

Now we're trying to get ready for summer.  The kids ask everyday, "Can we go to just daycare to day?"  Not yet!  Summer will cost me.  Paying for a full day instead of half day at daycare is gonna hurt!

We got their Pre-K class pictures in this week.  Such cute kids.  Now I know who they're talking about when they say so and so did this and so and so did that.  Gonna have to find a good way to scrap those pictures.  And when I say scrap, I don't mean in the trash.  I mean create a scrapbook page for them.

Speaking of scrapbooks...  I went to a scrapbook retreat weekend recently.  It was great fun!  Got me inspired.  Now just to cleanup and organize this house so that I can sit down and scrap.  Oh, and blog.  Right.  Don't for get the blogging!

See ya around the web.  Mostly on Facebook or Pinterest.  Now you know another reason why I don't have time to blog.  Pinterest sucks up all my time!