
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ward Woods Wildlife

We have bats!  Yes, we do.  Came home from Walgreens one day to find this hanging from our mosquito netting.

I don't know what kind of bat it is.  Anyone know?  Fortunately it was on the outside of the netting. 
Until Bud tried to catch it.

Now it's on the inside of the netting.

We never did catch it or see it fly out of the front porch.  I'm always wondering if that things is lurking somewhere on the porch.  Under the kid's picnic table?  Under the lounge chair?  Under the chair I sit in?

We have spiders, too.  These grandaddy long legs nest right by the front door. Maybe the bat will eat them?  One can only hope....

In this picture, they are still.  What  you don't see is the whole mass pulsating.  It's just freaky!

We also have hawks.  This baby got caught in the mosquito netting.  Pretty thing.

I've got my eye on you!

Ignore the clutter please.. Focus on the bird.

One the plus side, it seems we have fewer squirrels this year.

You're free little hawk.  Fly away!

In addition to the bat, the spiders, the hawk, squirrels, raccoons, possums, yellow crowned night herons, owls and other assorted birds, I found this black beauty asleep on our porch.

I think she's hiding from the hawk.  She must have heard about my friends cat.  They just live a few miles from our neck of the woods.  Katie (the cat) was sunning herself by the patio door and suddenly WHAMSMACK!  A hawk flew right into the glass patio door.  Sat dazed on the ground for a while before it flew off.  I think Katie is still hiding somewhere in their house.  She doesn't want to be dinner.

What wildlife do you have at your house?


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