
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Clothing Organization for Twins

This weekend I'm starting the new year off right.  I've washed, sorted and put away all the kids clothes.  I've pulled out everything that's too small for them or will be when summer comes around again.  I put anything too big and for summer into the storage bins under their bunk beds (Thanks Sally and Richard!)


Savannah has decided she likes dresses.  (After previously insisting that she hated dresses.)  I've had to buy dresses and leggings (because of the season) and I'm eliminating most of her jeans.  She's so skinny that most jeans won't fit her very well anyway.  They're either too long, to big around or too short.  I've ended up with 2 pair that she'll wear IF she's wearing the right shirt.  I'm worried I have a fashion diva on my hands.  She insists on wearing her boots with everything!!! (So, I bought her more boots! :).  I think I'd wear boots if I could find some that fit and had good support and affordable, but that's a different post altogether!).

Clothes are grouped together as outfits and folded or hung together.  I let the kids pick out, from the drawer, what they want to wear to go to daycare.  That way there's less trouble in them getting out of bed and dressed.

Shoes are stored in the shoe bin under the bunk bed steps.  Bedtime books are stored on the recessed step of the bunk bed.

Boots (sans the ones they currently have on and the pair outside that needs to be cleaned) are stored along the wall under the desk.

How long do you think it will all last?  Hopefully until the next laundry day.  We shall see!

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